How to use PyPUMS

You can use pypums as a CLI on your terminal or in your scripts or notebooks.

As a CLI

On your terminal pypums --help or pypums --version to make sure it’s installed

pypums --version
>>> pypums v0.1

The pypums CLI has 2 commands acs-url and download-acs.

pypums acs-url

The acs-url command will return the URL pointing to the zip file in the Census server containing the data you’re looking for. It takes in at least two arguments: year and state.

pypums acs-url --year 2018 --state california

Use pypums acs-url --help for more information.

Usage: pypums acs-url [OPTIONS]

  Builds URL pointing to the Census Bureau's FTP server
  containing the data for the desired ACS.

  --year INTEGER      Year of survey (2000 - 2019)  [required]
  --state TEXT        One of the 50 US States or District of
                      Columbia  [required]
  --survey TEXT       One of '1-', '3-' or '5-year'  [default:
  --sample-unit TEXT  Unit of observation (person or household)
                      [default: person]
  --help              Show this message and exit.

pypums download-acs

You can use the download-acs command to download the zip file containing the data for the specified ACS. It will extract it by default.

This command requires at least the year and state of the survey to download.

pypums download-acs --year 2018 --state california

Use pypums download-acs --help for more information.

Usage: pypums download-acs [OPTIONS]

  Downloads and, optionally, extracts data related to the
  specified ACS into a specified directory.

  --year INTEGER                  Year of survey (2000 - 2019)
  --state TEXT                    One of the 50 US States or
                                  District of Columbia
  --survey TEXT                   One of '1-', '3-' or '5-year'
                                  [default: 1-year]
  --sample-unit TEXT              Unit of observation (person or
                                  household)  [default: person]
  --data-directory DIRECTORY      [default: ~/Libr
  -e, --extract                   Extract the downloaded zip
                                  file?  [default: True]
  --overwrite-download / --no-overwrite-download
                                  Overwrite previously
                                  downloaded version of this
                                  data  [default: no-overwrite-
  --overwrite-extract / --no-overwrite-extract
                                  Overwrite previously extracted
                                  version of this data
                                  [default: no-overwrite-
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

As a package

You can import pypums on your jupyter notebooks or scripts, instantiate the ACS() class and retrieve its data using the .download() method. You can also use .as_dataframe() to return the data as a pandas DataFrame.

If you’ve previously downloaded the data, pypums will try to search for it on the default folder.

from pypums import ACS

ca_2018 = ACS(year=2018, state='California')

# to download the data on a specified folder you can run"./data/")

# to use it as a dataframe
ca_2018_df = ca_2018.as_dataframe()